
You are currently browsing posts of the "Kink" tag.

Men* of an Uncertain Age

I don’t come either to praise or to bury them — not least because I count myself among their number — but to acknowledge the existence of, and characterise in a very low-rent amateur psychology sort of way, a generation of men in the kink who, due to temporary and never-to-be-repeated circumstances, are more than ...

Hair today, gone tomorrow

Perviest thing I’ve seen in a long time: a Chinese eBay vendor selling long human hair — specifically long ponytails — and including with each sale a DVD of the hair being cut. I can bend my brain enough to believe that the film is intended to form a record of authenticity, but would I ...

Elimidate and censorship?

So I was surfing the other day and happened upon ‘Elimidate’, which turned out not to be a programme called ‘Eliminate’ for people with head-colds. Anyway, my spanko radar whoop-whooped, and sure enough, one of the girls competing for the attentions of cute dimbulb guy announced it was her birthday ...